September 14th, 2024- Jason Parkes/Robbie Hundertmark- (The Hatch). Ron Kubek- Lightning Rock
Jason Parkes/Robbie Hundertmark (The Hatch). Also Ron Kubek. Lightning Rock
Jason Parkes (Team Leader) The Hatch (West Kelowna)
Robbie Hundertmark (Wing Man) The Hatch
The box arrived from Jason Parkes Customs.
Filled with:
The Dynasty White – Wow
B Secco
Hobo Series Gamay MMXXI
Clarity at the Waters Edge
Clash of the Tannins
Franc Says Relax
Auxerrois that Endserrois
Flipping the bird
Merlot Rider etc
As clever as the designs, artwork and titles are, the most important element of these wines is how well they’re made.
The team leader at The Hatch etc is Jason Parkes with his own Jason Parkes Customs.
Also under the leadership of Crown and Thieves, Black Swift Vineyards and a handful more.
We taste and talk our way through as much of the box as we can.
Robbie Hundertmark had no idea what he as walking in to. Jason and I have developed a rock and roll wine based shorthand, so Robbie became the calming effect. Enjoy the ride.
Apparently there is another box coming. They’ll be back.
Ron Kubek – Owner and CEO of Lightning Rock Winery (Summerland)
“2023 has been one of the most challenging years we’ve ever faced in BC”
They lost their beloved Syrah and Viognier vineyards. The Syrah is still alive below the soil and will regrow in 3 years. There’s no such news for the very popular viognier vines.
Expect Riesling to take its place.
This interview with Ron is not just about his vineyards and wines, it’s about the business of winemaking and farming.
Ron Kubek knows what works in business these days. When he sees the BC wine business getting a runaround he doesn’t just speak up, he speaks out.
That’s why I was zoom calling him. I had hoped to capture the anger and frustration I was hearing about in wine farming circles.
It concerned the provincial government supporting these farms and wineries by allowing BC wineries, wiped out by 2 freezing winters, to source replacement fruit from the USA. But they only gave them a year and it takes at least 2 to see growth in vineyards.
I’ll let Ron pick up the story line. You won’t have to turn this one up, Ron can and will be heard.
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