Canada’s oldest beer festival celebrates its 30th year— First time at Topaz Park in Victoria, BC.
The Great Canadian Beer Festival was launched in 1993 and was the first big beer festival in Canada. The Fest has been held annually since then, except for 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. Besides BC brewers also travelling to the West Coast were brewers from Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and The Yukon.

Craig Nichols Rusted Rake Brewery- Nanoose Bay
GCBF gives festival-goers the opportunity to taste beers they can’t find anywhere else in British Columbia.
The event features more than 180 different beverages (beers, ciders and non-alcoholic beers) from more than 60 breweries and cideries from coast to coast. It was a opportunity to talk to these brewers about what makes their beer special and to try some new and classic brews.
As always in the time you have to work the site, there are only so many interviews you can do.
With the support and craft smarts of the Beer Director Joe Wiebe and guidance of Associate Producer Corey Wood we set off to discover a handful of breweries and one great chef.
We start with Joe Wiebe because he knows the history of the event and fills us in on the success of craft brewing in Canada and especially BC.
With the help of Joe Wiebe we were able to locate and engage the following craft brewers…

Joe Weibe
Chris Neufeld Owner/Brewmaster at gluten-free Grey Fox Brewing (Kelowna)
Melanie MacInnes – Owner Locality Brewing (Langley)

Melanie MacInnes
Dave Woodward – Head Brewer/Craig Nichols Co-Owner Rusted Rake (Nanoose Bay, Van Island)
Graham Elliott – Owner BEVA Brewing and Blending (North Vancouver)
Michael Hodgson – Owner/Head Brewer Cow Dog Brew Co. (East Vancouver)

Michael Hodgeson
Chef Brian Tesolin – The Courtney Room (Victoria)

Chef Brian Tesolin
Next year I PROMISE to arrive earlier and stay later and talk to some of those out of towners as well.
This was FUN.
Meyer Family Vineyards
The Wine Witch
Sons of North Vancouver
Pluvio and Ucluelet
Jim Moody
Kimberly Hundertmark OK Fall Wine fest
Fort Berens