It’s a Spring Thing – Okanagan Spring Fest & Enrico Cowichan Spring Wines
Kimberly Hundertmark – GM Okanagan Wine Festivals

Kimberley Hundertmark
FINALLY. The days are noticeably longer and warmer.
Spring is right around the corner.
For farmers and wineries, it’s the time for serious soil and vine preparation.
Unfortunately this year, Okanagan wineries are dealing with deep freeze damage throughout the valley. Some estimates at 97% crop loss.
Whole regions may have to be replanted.
Everyone is awaiting bud break, when the land tells them what the future looks like.
In the very middle of all this is Kimberly Hundertmark, the GM of the Okanagan Wine Festivals.
Kimberly and her team have been organizing the 2024 Okanagan Spring Wine Festival. It’s jammed with events, celebrations at a full speed ahead pace.
Wine fans will have an amazing choice of events to consider. The celebration comes from the realization that these small farms and winemakers got knocked down but they just picked themselves up and started again. They’re used to nature messing with their plans.
Kimberly takes us through a state of the valley update and then runs down some of the highlights of this years Festival.
Loren Inglis – GM Enrico Winery
If you choose to drive up or down Vancouver Island you have a choice.
The four lane freeway that gets you places , sometimes as fast as 110 km an hour. However, for many of us, the original coast highway is still found on any map and is sooo much nicer to drive and see and find the wonderful surprises along the way.
Farm gate stalls featuring home baking, spectacular eggs, fresh vegetables and fruit. Hand made crafts . Fanny Bay Oysters, craft beers, distilleries.
Then around a corner you see a gorgeous vineyard South of Duncan. Between Cobble Hill and Mill Bay.
The home of Enrico Winery. One of a dozen Cowichan Valley Wineries.
The first Vancouver Island winery to win a Platinum Award at the annual Lt. Governors Wine Awards.
The charming General Manager is Lorin Inglis. He’s also the President of the Cowichan Wineries Society, who organize the annual Cowichan Wine Festival.
Lorin and I will talk about Enrico Spring Releases and the plan for this years Cowichan Wine Festival – the whole month of August.

TDM and Lorin Ingles
A new Rose – made from Cabernet Libre! A first.
A standby from years past – Cabernet Foch is back. When it’s grown right, harvested at its prime and cellared creatively Foch can shine.
Also another standby, the award winning – Tempest Ortega will be available soon.
It’s a Spring Thing – Okanagan Spring Fest & Enrico Cowichan Spring Wines
It’s a Spring Thing – Okanagan Spring Fest & Enrico Cowichan Spring Wines
And two sparkling wines in cans. Both of which will be a sold out hit!
Revelation Pinot Noir Charme de L’ile 2022 Sparkling Rose (250 ml can) Simply wonderful.
Celebration Pinot Gris Charme De L’ile 2022 Sparkling Wine (250 ml can)
Spring Releases….
Painted Rock
Clos du Soleil
Anthony Buchannan
French Door
Naramata Bench Vancouver Pour