Corby brings new, acoustic, live off off-the-floor music in his new album El Viejo (The Old One) in memory and tribute to his pal Ian Tyson.
Corby says that this album may be his best yet.
He brings memories of Ian and also how his audiences are different depending on where he’s playing,
For El Viejo Corb and the Hurtin’ Albertans played live, letting the songs reveal themselves. It was all captured by CKUA Alumni Scott Franchuck.
Corby describes it as “organic”.
We talked about his name “is that the name of the band?”
Touched on his time with The Smalls and how this music connects to those days. “half urban/indy and half cowboys/ranchers”
We touched on Hearts on Fire Michael Barclay’s book on “6 Years That Changed Canadian Music” which in its promo mentioned cowboys who used to play speed metal.
“the alt-country music in the late ’90s and 2000s was littered with x-punks who suddenly discovered acoustic guitar.”
That’s Corb. The Poet Laureate of the Albertan people.
March 5 Corb is in Vancouver at The Orpheum
March 7 Grey Eagle Calgary
March 9 Midway Edmonton
March 22 Zankel Hall / Carnegie Hall NYC
May 28 Amsterdam
And multiple dates in Europe with The Dead South.