If you happen to be out of the country or sleeping or bowling with your co-workers you may have missed the first of four outstanding Mulligan Stew Podcasts last weekend.
The first was Frazey Ford. Still to come Dan Mangan and Tom Wilson. This week our guest is William Prince.
You may have discovered William via his first album Earthly Days (2015) or the follow-up
His career was just leaving earth’s orbit when the pandemic struck.
William talks about how his songs take shape, his love of Johnny Cash, Country Charlie Pride, Kris Kristofferson, and the words of his Father about “how you speak – is how people will treat you”
And trust me – when I ask William Prince (Peguis Nation) – about the shame in Canada surrounding the Residential School deaths on children pulled from their families, Williams Words will ring through your heart and your head.
Ladies and Gentlemen – a speaker of the truth. William Prince