1,450 Wines. 16 Countries. 173 Wineries. 51 Events. 8 days. 25,000 wine fans.
It’s Hour One of our coverage of the 40th VanWineFest at Vancouver Convention Centre.
Spain and Portugal are the feature regions and they have sent their very best owners, winemakers, and wines. Many wines tasted for the first time in Canada.
With the invaluable co-hosting help of The Wine Diva Daenna van Mulligen and Sandra Oldfield.
This Saturday’s guests include
The leader of Portugal’s “Duoro Boys” The charming Cristiano van Zeller.
Miguel Torres (founded 1870)
Gloria Collell (winemaker Segura Viudas)
Joan Cusine (prop. Paras Balta/Gratavinum.) Orig vines planted by Romans
Plus The Stars from Campo Viejo, Bodegas Atteca, Bodegas Alvear, Alvara Palacios. Is he The New Spain?
And then we dive into Port. From Portugal David Guimaraens head winemaker at Taylor Fladgate, Rupert Symington of Symington Family Estates (Dow, Warre, W&J Graham)
And Jorge Ramos from Fonseca
We start with special guests:
- DJ-Kearney
- Harry Hertscheg
- The Wine Diva
- Sandra Oldfield
Cristiano van Zeller (Quina Vale D. Maria) www.quintavaledonamaria.com Leader of Portugal’s “Duoro Boys”
Miguel Torres (since 1870) www.torres.es/en/home
Gloria Collell (winemaker Segura Viudas) https://www.seguraviudasusa.com/
Joan Cusine ( Paras Balta/Gratavinum.) Orig vines planted by Romans. https://paresbalta.com/ – www.gratavinum.com/
Fredrico Lleonart Campo Viejo https://www.campoviejo.com/
Miguel Gil Bodegas Ateca http://gilfamily.es/en/
Fernando Alvear http://www.alvear.es/index.php/en/
David Guimaraens Taylor Fladgate https://www.taylor.pt/
Rupert Symington – Symington Family Estates https://www.symington.com/
Jorge Ramos – Fonseca Port Wine www.fonseca.pt/
Paul Wagner – Featured Speaker www.balzac.com/ – http://www.rickandpaulwine.com/
We kick the whole show off with these very special friends:
Harry Hertscheg Exec Director of VanWineFest www.vanwinefest.ca
DJ Kearney. Wine Director at www.newdistrict.ca
Sandra Oldfield @SandraOldfield
Co-Host – Daenna van Mulligen/ The Wine Diva www.winediva.ca
Please check out www.vanwinefest.ca for more information
Please check out www.vanwinefest.ca for more information