Here are Terry’s favourite albums of 2013:

5. The High Bar Gang Lost and Undone (True North Records)
Available on: iTunes
Unlike any other record released this year. The title says it all – these are lost songs given new life. A fine mix of Gospel and Country/folk/bluegrass, it’s old songs made new with layers of real voices and very real instruments, all watched over by the ears of Ry Cooder.
See them live. Delightful.

4. Blue Rodeo In our Nature (Warner Music)
Available on: iTunes
Because they’ve been making great music for two generations of Canadians, the question is ‘Do we take them for granted’? I think we do. This really is Greg Keelor’s LP, not that Jim Cuddy disappears but Greg had a lot to say and sing. It’s fair to say that Blue Rodeo are the sound of Canada. High Country Harmonies.

3. Serena Ryder Harmony (Capitol/Universal)
Available on: iTunes
Yes the LP was released late 2012 but it spent its sensational life being discovered all during 2013. Gold and Platinum status awarded in 2013. A whole new voice for Serena.
More please.

2. Lee Harvey Osmond The Folk Sinner (Latent Recordings)
Available on: iTunes
The pride of Hamilton, Ontario – the ever shifting, ever changing Tom Wilson, of Blackie and the Rodeo Kings. This is his side project – something to keep him off the streets and out of the gangs. Some side project!!

1. Arcade Fire Reflektor (Merge Records)
Available on: iTunes
Will show up on everybody’s best of list this year. A Grammy for Album of the Year, a sensational club concert after SNL, a 20-minute film Here Comes The Night and so much more. But that’s all filigree. This is all about the music. Each and every song is complete and connected to the next. A true LP, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Beatles. And they’re Canadian eh!!